S T A R S are S O U L
He was trash but now he is eternal, like the stars in the sky...Ah my partner!

For thousands of years, man has gazed at the stars and wondered what they are. He made up stories and legends about them. And one of those stories was that stars were souls or spirits, watching down upon the Earth.
This probably has its origins in modern stories in two sources. The first is Greek Mythology, in which many of the constellations were heroes placed there by the gods for their heroic deeds. The second is Plato's Cosmology, which asserted that every soul has a companion star that it returns to upon death, so long as it lived a just life.
This is Older Than Feudalism. This trope exists because of the logic of its Super Trope, Heaven Above, where anything skyward is associated with everything divine. Related to Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence and Died Happily Ever After. Oh, and there's even an entry on The Other Wiki: Every Soul A Star.