
Two characteristics define brightness: luminosity and magnitude. Luminosity is the amount of light that a star radiates.

A star's color depends on its surface temperature. Cooler stars tend to be redder in color, while hotter stars have a bluer appearance. Stars in the mid ranges are white or yellow, such as our sun.
Surface Temperature

Astronomers measure a star's temperature on the Kelvin scale. Zero degrees on the Kelvin scale is theoretically absolute and is equal to -273.15 degrees Celsius. The coolest, reddest stars are approximately 2,500 K, while the hottest stars can reach 50,000 K. Our sun is about 5,500 K.

Astronomers measure the size of a given star in terms of our own sun's radius. Thus, a star that measure 1 solar radii would be the same size as our sun. The star Rigel, which is much larger than our sun, measures 78 solar radii.

A star's mass is also measured in terms of our own sun, with 1 equal to the size of our sun. For instance, Rigel, which is much larger than our sun, has a mass of 3.5 solar masses.