Parts of Volcano
Just like plants, animals and people... volcanoes have its own parts too. Every part of the volcano helps it to function.
Now, let's see what are those...
- Volcanoes are manifestations of the fiery power contained deep within the Earth. These formations are essentially vents on the Earth's surface where molten rock, debris, and gases from the planet's interior are emitted.
Parts of Volcano

Magma- is a large pool of liquid rock beneath the surface of the Earth.
Lava- Molten rock that erupts from a volcano that solidifies as it cools.
Crater- is a circular depression around a volcanic vent. This is where the lava, ash and rock erupt out of a volcano.
Vent- An opening in the volcano from where the lava comes out. A spot in the Earth's crust where gases, molten rock, lava and rocks erupt.
Conduit- An underground passage magma travels through.
Sill- A flat piece of rock formed when magma hardens in a crack in a volcano.
Throat- Entrance of a volcano. The part of the conduit that ejects lava and volcanic ash.
Summit- the highest point of the volcano; apex.
Ash- Fragments of lava or rock smaller than 2 mm in size that are blasted into the air by volcanic explosions.
Ash cloud- A cloud of ash formed by volcanic explosions.
Parasitic cone- A small cone-shaped volcano formed by an accumulation of volcanic debris.
Additional facts!
Pyroclastic Material- is another name for a cloud of ash, lava fragments carried through the air, and vapor.
Pyroclastic Flow- a dense, destructive mass of very hot ash, lava fragments, and gases ejected explosively from a volcano and typically flowing downslope at great speed.
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